Trinidad law clerk shot dead in robbery

Kristian Sirjusingh

(Trinidad Guardian) Al­though the Avengers, who brought jus­tice to the peo­ple of Earth, maybe a work of fic­tion, Open Bible Pas­tor Kem­raj Ram­nar­ine told mourn­ers bid­ding farewell to Kris­t­ian Sir­jus­ingh yes­ter­day that God was their Avenger.

The death of the 28-year-old law clerk at the hands of crim­i­nals has vexed Ram­nar­ine. He told the mourn­ers gath­ered at the Mara­bel­la Open Bible Church that he has been pray­ing that God brings swift jus­tice.

“Re­flect­ing on the ac­count of what went on, it leaves me very vexed in my spir­it to see where we have come, where men can just walk in wher­ev­er they want and com­mit a heinous crime and turn their backs and walk away with­out con­sid­er­a­tion or any con­cern for who is af­fect­ed. I pray that God will bring swift jus­tice to this ac­count,” Ram­nar­ine said.

Tues­day should have been a day of joy and cel­e­bra­tion as Sir­jus­ingh and his fa­ther Ramesh were hav­ing drinks in the yard of Michelle’s Bar and Lounge along the Bonne Aven­ture Road, Hap­py Hill, Gas­par­il­lo. Ramesh was cel­e­brat­ing his 66th birth­day. But un­for­tu­nate­ly, three gun­men walked in­to the bar with in­ten­tions of a rob­bery around 8.30 pm. Luck­i­ly, Ramesh was able to es­cape and run home with a friend, but Sir­jus­ingh and his friend Rishi Ram­char­i­tar were or­dered in­side and robbed of their wal­lets. While the ban­dits were leav­ing, one of them fired in­dis­crim­i­nate­ly in­side the bar, hit­ting both men.

Ram­char­i­tar was shot in the hand, but Sir­jus­ingh was dead with­in min­utes.

Ram­nar­ine said that while many in so­ci­ety no longer had a fear of God, he re­mind­ed all that each per­son’s life had an ex­piry date. “Each per­son is guar­an­teed life, God’s love, death and judge­ment and in time to come”, he said, “ all men will have to face God for the life they lived.”

Sir­jus­ingh’s el­dest broth­er Travis ex­pressed the fam­i­ly’s grief to mourn­ers, say­ing that they were pray­ing for jus­tice for all who loved him. Still strug­gling to ac­cept his death, his sis­ter Kim­ber­ly still finds her­self wait­ing for his phone call. She promised that his son Kyle will be tak­en care of in his ab­sence. 

Al­so pay­ing trib­ute, at­tor­ney Richard Sir­joo said that be­cause of the way Sir­jus­ingh touched the lives of those at his firm, they will nev­er be able to re­place him. Sir­joo de­scribed Sir­jus­ingh as prim, prop­er, pleas­ant, po­lite and pro­fes­sion­al.

Up to yes­ter­day, no one was held for the mur­der.