Trinidad: Pensioner, pregnant mom killed by teen relatives

Roxanne Mack, stabbed to death by a close teen relative.

(Trinidad Guardian) Two teenagers are in po­lice cus­tody af­ter they killed and in­jured close rel­a­tives in what po­lice of­fi­cers have de­scribed as hor­rif­ic and bru­tal at­tacks.

Late Sun­day evening, Cen­tral Di­vi­sion po­lice of­fi­cers de­tained an 18-year-old for the mur­der of his 85-year-old wheel-chair bound rel­a­tive.

The woman, iden­ti­fied as Pol­ly Ba­hadur was found bleed­ing and bat­tered just af­ter 6 pm Sun­day at her Pierre Road, Char­lieville home.

Po­lice said the pen­sion­er was beat­en with a blunt in­stru­ment.

The 85-year-old lived at the house with the teen rel­a­tive and one of her chil­dren.

the scene following the murder of 85-year-old Polly Bahadur at Pierre Road, Charlieville on Sunday.

Rel­a­tives told po­lice that the woman was at home alone with the teen for most of the af­ter­noon when the at­tack is said to have oc­curred.

When oth­er rel­a­tives re­turned home, they made the grue­some dis­cov­ery.

The teen was al­so found sit­ting in the house.

Po­lice of­fi­cers were con­tact­ed and when they ar­rived at the house, the 18-year-old was tak­en in­to cus­tody.

The mur­der of Ba­hadur came hours af­ter an­oth­er teenag­er went on a mur­der­ous ram­page.

In that in­ci­dent, what was a peace­ful Sat­ur­day night end­ed in hor­ror and blood­shed when a preg­nant moth­er of three was hacked to death.

Las Lo­mas, Chin Chin Road, Cunu­pia res­i­dent Rox­anne Mack, who was four months preg­nant, was hacked re­peat­ed­ly about the body by the male rel­a­tive, who then turned on Mack’s aunt Rho­da, 63, al­so stab­bing her.

How­ev­er, Rho­da man­aged to sur­vive the at­tack.

Ac­cord­ing to in­for­ma­tion gath­ered by Guardian Me­dia who vis­it­ed the home on Sun­day, around 11.30 pm Rox­anne, 36, was in her bed­room when she was re­port­ed­ly con­front­ed by the teen rel­a­tive.

Po­lice said the two could have been heard ar­gu­ing.

The quar­rel es­ca­lat­ed, it is then po­lice be­lieve that Mack was hacked about the body.

Rho­da, who lived with her, at­tempt­ed to in­ter­vene but was al­so dealt with sev­er­al stabs as well.

Near­by rel­a­tives and neigh­bours heard screams em­a­nat­ing from the home.

It was then they saw the el­der­ly woman ex­it­ing the house drenched in blood, alert­ing them to the hor­ror which took place in­side.

Rho­da was tak­en to a near­by neigh­bour for as­sis­tance.

Guardian Me­dia was told that res­i­dents rushed in­side the house to find the 19-year-old sus­pect re­mov­ing blood­ied sur­gi­cal gloves.

They then car­ried out a cit­i­zens’ ar­rest and de­tained the rel­a­tive un­til the po­lice and am­bu­lance ar­rived an es­ti­mat­ed hour and fif­teen min­utes lat­er.

He is said to have gone qui­et­ly with po­lice of­fi­cers.

Rox­anne died at the scene.

Rho­da was rushed to the hos­pi­tal and re­mains in a crit­i­cal con­di­tion.

While rel­a­tives were re­luc­tant yes­ter­day to say much about the in­ci­dent, the vic­tims and per­pe­tra­tor, some vil­lagers de­scribed Mack as an up­stand­ing woman who was work­ing tire­less­ly to pro­vide for her chil­dren. They said Rho­da was a moth­er fig­ure to many with­in the com­mu­ni­ty.

Up to yes­ter­day po­lice were try­ing to de­ter­mine a con­crete mo­tive for the hor­rif­ic in­ci­dent, but in­ves­ti­ga­tors said the teen had been a “heavy” mar­i­jua­na smok­er who re­cent­ly be­gan to do use co­caine.

They sus­pect the ar­gu­ment with Mack erupt­ed when the teen de­mand­ed mon­ey to pur­chase co­caine to feed his ad­dic­tion.

Of­fi­cers be­lieve when his de­mand was not met, he flew in­to a rage and car­ried out the blood­ied at­tack.

An­oth­er the­o­ry was that the teen was up­set that Mack was preg­nant with what would have been her fourth child.

Up to late yes­ter­day, of­fi­cers were ques­tion­ing the male rel­a­tive and were ex­pect­ed to ap­proach the of­fice of the Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tions (DPP) about the case.