Trinidad teen in court for mom’s murder

Murder suspect Michael Joseph

(Trinidad Guardian) A 19-year-old Michael Joseph ap­peared be­fore a Ch­agua­nas Mag­is­trate Court yes­ter­day charged with the mur­der of his moth­er Al­is­tra Kam­po, which oc­curred on Sat­ur­day 24th Au­gust.

Af­ter lay­ing charges against the teen, the po­lice ser­vice is­sued a state­ment say­ing Michael Joseph of Las Lo­mas No. 1, was al­so charged with the com­mon as­sault of Al­is­tra Kam­po, and the at­tempt­ed mur­der of 62-year-old Rod­ha Mack, his great aunt.

The charges were laid fol­low­ing ad­vice re­ceived from the As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor of Pub­lic Pros­e­cu­tion George Bus­by on Fri­day 30th Au­gust Kam­po, 39, al­so known as Rox­anne, died af­ter sus­tain­ing mul­ti­ple stab wounds about her body at her Chin Chin Road, Las Lo­mas.

Po­lice of­fi­cers said she was four months preg­nant at the time of her mur­der.

The ac­cused was ar­rest­ed on that same date with­out in­ci­dent, ac­cord­ing to the po­lice.

And in an­oth­er in­ci­dent, 18-year-old De­vanand Ba­hadur ap­peared be­fore a Ch­agua­nas Mag­is­trate charged with the mur­der of his grand­moth­er Pol­ly Ba­hadur.

The teen ap­peared in court on Au­gust 30th.

The 83-year-old Ba­hadur was chopped and beat­en to death at her Char­lieville home.

De­vanand is ex­pect­ed to reap­pear in court on Sep­tem­ber 27th.