Corentyne rice farmers slam region, gov’t for lack of support

Lekha Rambrich

Corentyne rice farmers are upset with the Regional Administration and the government for their lack of assistance in ensuring that the rice industry flourishes especially during the harvesting season which recently began and is expected to conclude in late November.

The rice farmers believe that the government is not interested in ensuring that they have a successful harvest despite the contribution the rice industry makes to the country’s economy. While the region has since claimed that there is no money left in their budget to carry out necessary works on the dams leading to the rice fields, some rice farmers from the 52 to 74 areas yesterday explained that they are also suffering from lack of irrigation water, as well as clogged canals, throughout the Corentyne area. 

The farmers believe that with no support from the government, the rice industry will soon be on the chopping block like some sugar estates.