Creative writing graduates set to join small select group

Creative Writing will again be a major feature when the Institute of Creative Arts (ICA) stages its Sixth Convocation at the National Cultural Centre on the evening of Wednes-day, September 25. This will be the third class of creative writers to graduate with the Diploma in Creative Writing from the National School of Theatre Arts and Drama (NSTAD).

The ICA actively came into being in 2014, inaugurated by the Department of Culture, and although it is just 5 years old, it incorporates two venerable institutions and considerable history within its hallowed colleges. The ICA is the affiliation of 4 schools of the arts in Guyana: two of marked veneration – the National School of Dance (established 1974) and the E R Burrowes School of Art (1975) – and two of very recent vintage, the National School of Music (2012) and the NSTAD (2013). 

All of these offer the ICA Diploma in their respective disciplines – dance, art, music and drama – in addition to the ICA Certificate and a number of smaller qualifications. All of these will be conferred on the deserving candidates in a ceremony led by the ICA Visitor, who will invoke the authority vested in the ICA Principal, who is the current Director of Culture.