Worker gets community service after bid to steal from Regent St store

A former Regent Household Electronics worker has been ordered to perform community service over the next two months after he admitted to attempting to steal an amplifier from the store.

Rickford Atwell, 29, was yesterday charged with simple larceny at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. The charge, which was read to him by Principal Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus, stated that on October 2nd at Regent Household Electronics, located at Lot 143 Regent Road, Bourda, he stole an amplifier, valued $45,000, which was the property of Shaheed Hamid.

Atwell pleaded guilty to the charge and told the court that he saw the amplifier and wanted to check to see whether it was good or not. When the magistrate asked him what he planned to do with the amplifier, he said he wasn’t sure.