‘Give us a chance.’ To do what?

At a pre-election campaign rally in Linden last Saturday, President David Granger is reported to have said: ‘Now my brothers and sisters, we are in government again.  Eight years ago, we founded APNU and four years ago, we went into an alliance to form a coalition with the AFC. This is the first time in the history of Guyana that a six-party coalition has formed the government. We formed it because that is what the people wanted. They don’t want to see winner takes all. They don’t want to see one-party government.  They got what they asked for. Look at our record… We deserve another five years to conduct, to carry on the work we have started…give us a chance” (SN: 06/10/2019).

In terms of electoral politics I am not particularly interest in what the PNCR and PPP/C promised their supporters for they are ethnic political armies that are largely unaffected by policy and performance considerations. However, undoubtedly, the most important issue in Guyanese politics today remains our finding governance arrangements that will significantly reduce the level of ethnic alienation. This the APNU+AFC promised in its 2015 manifesto and the President is now claiming it has done!