Why you may not be losing stubborn body fat

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Sometimes that scale will just not budge, despite what you’d rightfully consider a herculean effort.In those moments of doubt, when you’ve hit the gym regularly, dieted religiously, avoided temptations, and otherwise persevered, all to no avail, sometimes an outside perspective is key.

Here are the four most common and damaging mistakes people make, and how to fix those mistakes immediately, so that you can fast-track your fat-loss efforts.

1. Your cardio isn’t geared toward maximum fat burning

You would like to imagine that if 20 minutes of cardio is good, 40 must be even better. You might even find yourself thinking: ‘Heck let’s just round it up to 60, and I’ll be ripped in a week.’ If only it worked that way. The reality is that in the case of cardio, more is not always better. In fact, it can be wasteful at best, and counterproductive at worst, as you often end up compromising your muscle mass without ever adequately tapping your fat stores for energy. Instead, you’ll want to drastically cut down your cardio sessions while ramping up your intensity to maximum levels.