Music vendor remanded to prison on felonious wounding charge

Shawn Lee

Shawn Lee, a music vendor, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts yesterday  where he was charged with intent to maim, dismember or disfigure after unlawfully wounding Dellon Foster on July 11th at George and Norton Streets, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown.

The 25-year-old Lee pleaded guilty to the charge and was asked to explain his reason for using a cutlass to chop Foster.

He stated that he was told by the driver of the bus Foster conducts, to load music onto a flash drive and after he was finished the driver told him that the conductor (Foster) would have to pay him for the musical downloads. According to Lee, when he approached Foster, the man refused to pay him for his services and chucked him after he told him that he would not be paying. Lee said in a fit of rage he grabbed the cutlass which he keeps for his personal protection and he chopped the man.