Party time

This year a few new political parties were formed. The March 2020 elections are no doubt critical, but we have been there before. In 1992, there were cries to end a dictatorship, 28 years of rule by one political party, the People’s National Congress (PNC). I was a child then, but I recall hearing talk about a need for change.

In 2006, drenched in our tears and blood as the young dead grew in number, I remember the Alliance for Change (AFC) brought a new life, positivity and filled us young people, me then in my early twenties, with hope.

In 2015, ‘It is Time’ was the slogan of the APNU+AFC coalition, with a promise again of social cohesion and a good life for all Guyanese. There were accusations that for too long we had slipped and slithered in corruption that could no longer be ignored. The APNU+AFC won the elections, which ushered in a new era and renewed hope for Guyana.