Trinidad actress Nikki Crosby sexually assaulted in Venice, Italy

Nikki Crosby

(Trinidad Guardian) Ac­tress and come­di­enne Nik­ki Cros­by has re­port­ed an act of sex­u­al as­sault against her, to po­lice in Venice, Italy.

Cros­by made the an­nounce­ment on her Face­book page to­day.

She said: “So this hap­pened in Venice. Stand­ing out­side my ho­tel wait­ing on a taxi I was ap­proached by 2 Russ­ian men who want­ed my pic­ture. Then 1 of the men grabbed my breast vi­o­lent­ly. Thank God Ger­ry (her hus­band) wasn’t there at the time be­cause it could have been worse. They were lat­er ar­rest­ed by the po­lice.”

The post was ac­com­pa­nied by a video clip­ping of po­lice of­fi­cers tak­ing a man in­to a ve­hi­cle out­side of a ho­tel.

The post gen­er­at­ed dozens of com­ments from per­sons ex­press­ing shock and in­dig­na­tion.

Cros­by has more than once be­fore tak­en to Face­book to ex­press un­for­tu­nate in­ci­dents.

In Ju­ly last year, she pub­licly thanked God for life af­ter she and her hus­band Ger­ry Clarke af­ter they were among the vic­tims of an armed rob­bery in Diego Mar­tin.

Cros­by re­called that she and her hus­band were shop­ping at Artie’s Meats when gun­men ran in­to the store and an­nounced a holdup.

The as­sailants or­dered every­one to drop to the floor as they pro­ceed­ed to rob pa­trons at the es­tab­lish­ment of mo­bile phones, cash and even wed­ding rings.

While Cros­by was thank­ful that she and oth­ers were un­harmed, she said she felt vi­o­lat­ed as the gun­men “feel me and an­oth­er woman up”.

She said the in­ci­dent left her trau­ma­tised.