Banks DIH honours 17 for 20 years service

Clifford Reis, Chairman/Managing Director and Directors pose with the newest members of the 20-Year-Club. (Banks DIH photo)

Seventeen employees were honoured for their 20 years of service to Banks DIH Limited at the Company’s Annual 20-Year-Club Luncheon held on Friday November 8th 2019 at Thirst Park.

A release yesterday from Banks DIH said that Clifford Reis, Chairman/ Managing Director presented gold insignia to the honorees.

Deonarain Seepaul, Finance Controller/ Assistant Company Secretary who delivered the feature address congratulated the employees for their dedication.

He noted that 268 employees are currently members of the 20-Year-Club which is a significant achievement.

The employees honoured were: Thakurdeen Deodat (Accounts), David Carto  (Materials Handling), Garfield Southwell (Security), Alester Cameron (General Workshop), Lakerani Sukram (Special Events), Allan Whyte (Timehri Duty Free Shop), Dawn James  and Aubrey Charles (OMG), Marlyn McPherson (Idiho), James Barry (Berbice Branch), Sandra Roberts and Royfield Henry (Trisco/Bread Sales), Lee Baptiste (Sales Administration), Amande Murray (Bartica Branch), Wonette Sandy and Karen Daniels (Bakery) and Leona Jacobs (Krystal Dry Cleaners).