Trinidad: Young mother among 4 shot and killed

Jamila Chase, mother of one, was killed on Saturday morning in Maloney.

(Trinidad Guardian) Three men and a woman were shot and killed in two sep­a­rate in­ci­dents be­tween Fri­day night and Sat­ur­day morn­ing.

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, at about 4.30 am on Sat­ur­day gun­men am­bushed a group of peo­ple near Build­ing 9, Mal­oney Gar­dens, in the vicin­i­ty of Apart­ment 1-4 East and opened fire.

Three peo­ple died. They were iden­ti­fied as moth­er of one Jami­la Chase, and two men—Michael “Grimey” Walk­er and Ka­reem “Crit­ters” Mc Eachrane.

Pre­lim­i­nary in­ves­ti­ga­tions, ac­cord­ing to po­lice, re­vealed that the three were rel­a­tives of a per­son known to them and that the killings were gang-re­lat­ed.

A close friend of Chase, when con­tact­ed by Guardian Me­dia, said her killing was a “shock.” She de­scribed Chase as a “beau­ti­ful per­son…this has hit me hard. She was like a sis­ter from an­oth­er moth­er. She was full of life and loved her son very much.”

Asked if they had any idea why some­one would want to mur­der these peo­ple, the friend replied: “I don’t know, but it is just sense­less and for no rea­son.

In an ear­li­er in­ci­dent, short­ly be­fore mid­night, a 24-year-old man iden­ti­fied as Shiloh Colling­wood was shot dead a stone’s throw away from his home at Baz­zard Street, Monte Grande, Tu­na­puna.

A mo­tive is yet to be de­ter­mined for that killing.