Commonwealth Caribbean, OECS Bar Associations condemn attacks on Guyanese judge in Dominica

Justice Birnie Stephenson

Ahead of last Friday’s general elections in Dominica, the Organization of Commonwealth Caribbean Bar Associations (OCCBA) joined with the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Bar Association in condemning recent sustained attacks on High Court judge Birnie Stephenson, a sitting High Court Judge in the Commonwealth of Dominica. 

Justice Stephenson, who is Guyanese, has been assigned to Dominica by the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court.

In a statement issued last Thursday, OCCBA, of which the Bar Association of Guyana is a member, said it viewed with dismay the many attacks on Justice Stephenson on social media and elsewhere by some dissatisfied with her rulings. “Such actions cannot be condoned as they undermine the rule of law and promote unwarranted public distrust in the administration of justice,” it warned.