How to get too fit for the flu

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The rainy season is here once again in the 592. And with it has come the common cold and the flu. I’m sure many of you readers will agree that some of your loved ones, friends and/or co-workers have been bitten with the flu bug lately. For me, almost my entire household had the sniffles and coughs this week. Luckily, I have dodged the flu bullet. Coincidence? Not quite. The answer is to be found in the immune system.

If you want to boost your immune system or relay the message, read on.

The immune system is usually very reliable. However, there will be times when it fails us. As it is a complex system, it can be difficult to pinpoint how to strengthen it. Below, you’ll find some of the ways we are able to boost our chances of a healthier and stronger body on the inside.