Trinidad: US Embassy to stop accepting old $100 bill

The US Embassy in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago

(Trinidad Guardian) Fri­day De­cem­ber 13th 2019 is the last day the US Em­bassy in Port of Spain will ac­cept the old TT$100 bills for some ser­vices.

In a press re­lease yes­ter­day the US Em­bassy said as of Mon­day, De­cem­ber 16, 2019, it will on­ly ac­cept the new $100TT poly­mer note for in-per­son cash pay­ments for con­sular ser­vices, in­clud­ing pass­port and oth­er ser­vices for U.S. cit­i­zens; non-im­mi­grant visa reci­procity and pe­ti­tion-based ap­pli­ca­tion fees; and im­mi­grant visa fees.

The Em­bassy is al­so en­cour­ag­ing ap­pli­cants to con­sid­er pay­ing fees via cred­it card dur­ing the tran­si­tion pe­ri­od to the new poly­mer notes.

Ac­cord­ing to the Em­bassy the no­tice does not per­tain to the pay­ment of the $160 non-im­mi­grant visa ap­pli­ca­tion fee, which must be paid at a Sco­tia Bank lo­ca­tion pri­or to the visa in­ter­view.

The U.S. Em­bassy is al­so re­mind­ing per­sons that it does not ac­cept on­line pay­ments for this fee.