Trinidad: Sco­tia­bank employee collapses, dies

Scotiabank, Chaguanas

(Trinidad Guardian) A Sco­tia­bank em­ploy­ee at­tached to the Ch­agua­nas Main Road branch col­lapsed on the job and was lat­er pro­nounced dead.

In­sid­ers told Guardian Me­dia that the woman in her for­ties was at­tend­ing to cus­tomers when she col­lapsed around 2:45 p.m.

Sources say there were at­tempts to re­vive the Sco­tia­bank em­ploy­ee but it proved un­suc­cess­ful. She was lat­er tak­en by a Med­ical As­so­ciates am­bu­lance to a pri­vate med­ical in­sti­tu­tion where she was pro­nounced dead.

Since the gov­ern­ment an­nounced the changes to the new $100 poly­mer bill, banks have been asked to open longer hours to help fa­cil­i­tate the changeover.

Sev­er­al banks across the coun­try have been faced with long lines as cus­tomers rush to beat the De­cem­ber 31 dead­line of ex­chang­ing their old $100 notes for the new poly­mer note.