Multiple thefts at Linden synthetic track site

Ongoing works on the Linden Synthetic Track, which is currently in its third phase. The fourth and final phase of the project will commence within the next few weeks.

There have been multiple thefts at the synthetic track site at Wismar, Linden, and residents are being asked not to traverse the construction zone.

In a statement yesterday, the Department of Culture, Youth and Sport said that as construction works progress on the eight-lane synthetic track in the Region Ten town, contractors have reported multiple incidents of theft occurring at the Bayroc Community Centre Ground site.

“The disappointing reports started since activation of construction in January 2019. The project, which is in the third of its four phases, has been minimally hindered by the loss of a quantity of building materials. These include drainage pipes, sand, security fencing, crusher-run, stone, steel rods, fuel, truck batteries and even security lights,” the statement said.