Face gym is an actual thing

Face gym. (www.gq-magazine.co.uk)

Who knew gym for your face would be an actual thing? Turns out the hustle and bustle of city life mixed with society’s desire for a well-defined facial bone structure has birthed a new expense for women and men alike. It sounded so appealing when I first saw it. Plus living in a somewhat small city pushes you to want to try everything when you travel.

I recently did a Cryo-Oxygen facial while I waited for a friend in a department store.  The main feature is a blast of hydration, said to be like ten instant cups of water for your face. An annoying device with a loud sound is then moved across your face distributing a high pressure shot of frozen CO2. After the powerful concentration of atomised active ingredients to hydrate and plump is applied, an express workout to tone, tighten and contour the facial muscles is next.

The latter felt like a body massage but for your face. I have always had a standard facial care routine which included cleansing, face cream application, a weekly mask and an occasional professional facial. I always dreamed on spending more time on my facial care but there is so much noise around what you should be doing, it sometimes feels like a scam.