Trinidad: Relatives say man declared dead `wakes up’

Ahamad Khan

(Trinidad Guardian) A mir­a­cle. That’s the on­ly way to de­scribe what oc­curred on Box­ing Day at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal (SFGH) when a 75-year-old man came back from the dead.

Rel­a­tives re­lat­ed the sto­ry to Guardian Me­dia.

They said on the night of De­cem­ber 26, Ahamad Khan suf­fered a heart at­tack and was rushed to the SFGH where he was pro­nounced dead at 9.15 pm.

How­ev­er, just as rel­a­tives fin­ished sign­ing the rel­e­vant doc­u­ments to have his body trans­ferred to the hos­pi­tal’s morgue, some 25 min­utes lat­er, Khan woke up.

They said he is now able to move his hand, feet, and can even speak.

A rel­a­tive who spoke to Guardian Me­dia said this was not Khan’s first time suf­fer­ing a heart at­tack. The rel­a­tive said last year, Khan was “di­ag­nosed with three ar­ter­ies 99 per cent clogged.”

The rel­a­tive com­mend­ed the doc­tors and nurs­es for an ex­cel­lent job in treat­ing Khan.

Af­ter his or­deal, they said he has been at the ca­su­al­ty await­ing a bed since.

The rel­a­tive said Khan has lived an ad­ven­tur­ous life, trav­el­ling the world on va­ca­tion, work­ing in var­i­ous jobs, and even sac­ri­fic­ing of him­self to take care of his sib­lings at age 10 when he dropped out of school to sell in the mar­ket to sup­port them.

He al­so made the Ha­jj pil­grim­age twice.

Guardian Me­dia reached out to the South West Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty for a com­ment on the mat­ter. They dis­put­ed the fam­i­ly’s ver­sion of events which was al­so post­ed to so­cial me­dia say­ing, “The Face­book post de­tails a very in­ac­cu­rate ac­count of an acute sit­u­a­tion, which at­tempts to in­jure the rep­u­ta­tion of the ded­i­cat­ed health care pro­fes­sions at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal and the SWRHA. The SWRHA main­tains and pro­tects the con­fi­den­tial in­for­ma­tion of all pa­tients and re­it­er­ates our staff com­mit­ment to the pro­vi­sion of ex­cel­lent health care.”