Market research, planning and the successful execution of agro-processing projects (Part One)

Guyanese agro-processed spices

If agro-processors are to identify and effectively exploit the right opportunities for investing in a processing venture it is necessary that they pursue what sometimes can be rigorous and painstaking research. Here in Guyana, as is the case elsewhere, the margin for error can be small and the cost of failure to spot a potential pitfall, high. It is necessary for investors in agro-processing ventures to ensure that they can cover their costs, that is, that they can sell their products at a profitable price.

 Why are agro-processing ventures often unsuccessful? Processing developments often fail to take into account the fact that the product has to be sold. Processing initiatives are sometimes started for reasons that might have little if anything to do with sound business decision-making. It may be that the venture is found to be relatively easy to accomplish technically or because it may be some pursuit that may be ‘in fashion’. In other instances agro-processing initiatives may be undertaken for no other reason than the requisite raw materials are cheap and easily available. Very often, the fact that the finished product must pass the acid test of customer satisfaction and that ways of selling and distributing it have to be developed, often receives far less attention.