Emerge, Nations school partner for six-week outsourcing course

Trainer and Consultant Max Persaud (at right) along with Vice-President of Operations, Dalgleish Joseph (second from right), CEO of Emerge, Heidi Solomon-Orlick (third from right) and Nations Director Dr. Brian O’Toole (fourth from right), along with other representatives.

With the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry predicted to grow exponentially over the next five years, Nations Inc. has partnered with Emerge BPO to launch a course that aims to properly equip potential recruits.

Emerge BPO is a contact centre that performs a variety of outsource services to clients in North America. Its services include general customer support, e-commerce website support, and loyalty programme support.

During an interview with Stabroek News, CEO of Emerge Heidi Solomon-Orlick and Vice President of Operations Dalgleish Joseph explained that two of their biggest costs are recruitment and attrition replacement.