A Decade of Optimism

In our youth most of us are eager to grow older. And then we reach an age, which for many is in our twenties or thirties, when we wish for time to slow, reverse or even pause. Still, our desire to control it, is beyond the bounds of possibility. As we watch youth slip away, we count our regrets and are grateful for the triumphs. In some instances, the time we set to accomplish goals passes without us achieving what we envisioned. In this competitive world, where our worth is often measured by our possessions and bank accounts, what we deem as failure, can affect our self-esteem. We might even worry ourselves into a state of depression when we assess the appearance of success in others.

The beginning of each year is a time many of us use for such reflections and another opportunity to start anew or continue to build. Many people set goals by way of vision boards, where they would write their desires or use images; the hope in setting one’s intention, feeling it and living like it has already happened, is a key to manifesting the life we desire.