‘One day things will get better’

“You know what is the hardest thing?” she asked. I knew she was not expecting an answer. She continued, answering her own question. “Is knowing me children hungry and sometimes not getting enough to feed them.

“Is not like I sit down and not doing anything. I working hard. Almost every day of the week I at work, but sometimes the money just ain’t enough. Hard work is something I accustomed to but for all the days of my life like the money never enough and sometimes I ask God when things would get better.”

As she spoke, I saw the frustration on the single mother’s face. For months we have been in communication as she navigated becoming a single parent and fighting to remain positive when it seemed as if everything was stacked against her. I helped where I could, and sometimes I felt frustrated because it was never enough and where help was expected, it was never forthcoming. I reached out on her behalf, and I felt the disappointment more than her when the help needed did not materalise.