Herstelling residents fix community road using self-help

The pot-holed road before grading was done

Residents of Block ‘V’ Herstelling have come together to improve their roads for the benefit of the community.

Upon entering the community of Herstelling New Scheme, via the Mocha Main Road, which is a fully developed road, persons heading to the Herstelling Scheme, prior to the improvements, would have been appalled at the unevenness of the thoroughfares. Large pot-holes spanning more than 2 feet and quite deep were formed along almost every road at either of the Scheme’s bridges. These large holes in the road have caused some taxi-drivers to stop making drops in the area or else attach a hefty premium to the fare.

However, a group of residents in the community, recently made a collective effort to have the roads of Block ‘V’, also known as the fourth bridge in the Herstelling New Scheme, East Bank Demerara, graded with loam. The group goes by the name Care for the Community and currently comprises fourteen members. All of the members have been living in the area for many years and after realising that their cry for infrastructural development in the area was not being heard by the Government, they decided to take matters into their own hands and form a group which, with the help of other residents, would deal with issues in the community.