‘Angry’ accused gets off with time served after pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm

Hemchand Kenswain

Having spent the last 19 months on remand for committing an offence which carries a maximum penalty of 18 months behind bars, 25-yesr-old Hemchand Kenswain walked out of the High Court in Georgetown a free man. Justice Sandil Kissoon informed the young man who had lashed another person in the face causing swelling and injury to the eyes and head, that he would be sentenced to time served, and was therefore free to go. This was not, however, before the judge sounded a stern warning to Kenswain to ensure he exercises self-control and to manage his anger if ever he should find himself in confrontational situations.   Though initially indicted for attempted murder, Kenswain yesterday afternoon threw himself at the mercy of the court, pleading in the alternative to the offence of causing grievous bodily harm. He admitted that on April 14th, 2017 he caused grievous bodily harm to Trevor Spencer, with the intent to maim, disfigure or disable him.

This offence carries a maximum penalty of 18 months imprisonment at the Magistrates Court.