Kelshine Griffith is Stabroek Business’ pick as 2019 Agro Processor of the Year

Stabroek Business pick as 2019 Agro Processor of the year, Kelshine Griffith making a product display appearance at Bounty Supermarket in Kitty on Wednesday.

During the course of 2019 the Stabroek Business provided extensive coverage of the agro-processing sector. Our most rewarding return from that pursuit was the privilege of witnessing the emergence of new small enterprises, many of which, over a short period of time, served to provide modest but welcome incomes for their owners. We discovered in the process that a significant numbers of ordinary Guyanese, mostly women, are using agro processing as a vehicle with which to take decisive steps towards changing their material circumstances by embarking on entrepreneurial ventures that take advantage of locally grown agricultural produce. The Stabroek Business applauds the fact that these women have embraced agro-processing, a discipline that demands discipline, patience, persistence and ingenuity  and which, all too often, takes its own time to yield the requisite rewards.