Jo-Ann Forde’s Innovoir: Striving for the next level in local massage therapy

Jo-Ann at work

Jo-Ann Forde’s background is not your run-of-the-mill one. She is the daughter of a pair of Assemblies of God pastors, who some years ago, opted to relocate to the Rupununi to preach the Gospel there. They have remained there since then and that is where she grew up and has lived for much of her life. It is an unlikely story and whilst she declares in unblemished English that she is “from Lethem,” her story halts you in your tracks until the clarification is offered. 

Far from having left the hinterland, these days, her presence in the capital is accounted for by her two-fold mission being attending to the education of her two children and owning and operating a body care and massage therapy establishment named Innovoir, which is situated at 63 Garnett Street Campbellville.

Living in Lethem afforded Jo-Ann access to Brazil and fortuitously she was able to benefit from training in Body Care and Massage Therapy under the tutelage of a skilled practitioner in Boa Vista, a city some 130 kilometres across the border. Having been trained she further sharpened her skills by making her services available to family members, the experience readying her for entry into what, these days, is an industry that is as highly competitive as it is widely sought after.