Trinidad woman riddled with bullets, daughter injured

Al­lana Mo­hammed (Trinidad Express photo)

(Trinidad Guardian) It’s a moth­er’s worst night­mare to wake up to trag­ic news of her daugh­ter be­ing killed and her grand­daugh­ter shot and wound­ed and in a crit­i­cal con­di­tion at hos­pi­tal.

Kali­ma Khan, 63, wept un­con­trol­lably at the scene on Thurs­day morn­ing at Dass Trace Branch Road in En­ter­prise as she watched the un­der­tak­ers re­move the body of her 38-year-old daugh­ter, Al­lana Mo­hammed from her ve­hi­cle in­to a wait­ing hearse.

Mo­hammed had on­ly just re­turned from a six-day va­ca­tion with her hus­band at about 1 that morn­ing.

Over five hours lat­er her life was snuffed out in what po­lice de­scribed as a “hit.”

Mo­hammed, who was the sis­ter of a woman po­lice of­fi­cer, was gunned down in front of her home as she was leav­ing to drop her teen daugh­ter to school. The in­ci­dent oc­curred af­ter 6 am.

Po­lice said Mo­hammed was re­vers­ing her black Toy­ota Corol­la out of her yard at Dass Branch Road when gun­men opened fire on her. The car was shot more than six times. Po­lice re­cov­ered 12 spent shells on the scene.

Mo­hammed was fa­tal­ly struck. Her daugh­ter, 13, was shot and wound­ed.

The daugh­ter, ac­com­pa­nied by her fa­ther who is a car busi­ness deal­er and money­len­der, was tak­en to the Er­ic Williams Med­ical Com­plex in Mount Hope where she was treat­ed and ward­ed in a crit­i­cal con­di­tion.

Mo­hammed’s younger sis­ter is a mem­ber of the In­ter-Agency Task Force.

Pre­lim­i­nary in­ves­ti­ga­tions have re­vealed that Mo­hammed was a di­rect tar­get for her killers as po­lice be­lieve that they knew she had re­turned home from va­ca­tion and was go­ing to leave her home around that time to take her daugh­ter to school. Mo­hammed’s hus­band and her son were said to still be asleep when the in­ci­dent oc­curred.

Po­lice said al­though they are yet to es­tab­lish a mo­tive they were told that it is like­ly that her mur­der was a “mes­sage” sent to a close rel­a­tive where it is be­lieved that a busi­ness trans­ac­tion had gone awry. The of­fi­cers, how­ev­er, did not dis­close many de­tails as they de­scribed the in­ves­ti­ga­tions as “sen­si­tive.”

Mo­hammed’s moth­er, Kali­ma said she nev­er knew her daugh­ter to be threat­ened in any way by any­one in­clud­ing from with­in her fam­i­ly.

“We don’t have any rea­son or any idea why this hap­pen. She was a good per­son. Al­ways smil­ing and laugh­ing. She was talk­ing and thing with peo­ple. Just a very nice per­son. I don’t know how bet­ter to de­scribe it,” she said.

“The last time I talk to her was about 1 am this morn­ing (Thurs­day). It was just a nor­mal con­ver­sa­tion. She was on va­ca­tion, just a six days. The hus­band is a good per­son to me. Very good. We gen­uine­ly don’t know why she was killed.

“They take my daugh­ter away from me, “ she added as she broke down in tears.

Mo­hammed’s mur­der was the 71st for the year. In the same pe­ri­od last year there were 63 mur­ders.