UNC MPs shutdown Panday’s third force plan

Oropuche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal (standing fourth from left) with friends at Calypso Fiesta in Guaracara Park- Point-Pierre, on Saturday.

(Trinidad Guardian) Sev­er­al front­line UNC MPs — in­clud­ing MP Fuad Khan— have said peo­ple are swing­ing back to UNC and they’ve knocked for­mer par­ty leader Bas­deo Pan­day’s bid to uni­fy small par­ties in­to a po­lit­i­cal third force.

MPs Khan, Su­ruj Ram­bachan, Roodal Mooni­lal and Rudy In­dars­ingh, who have all worked with Pan­day be­fore, ex­pressed the views af­ter Pan­day con­firmed last week he’d been speak­ing with small­er par­ties about pre­sent­ing a unit­ed po­lit­i­cal force as an al­ter­na­tive for vot­ers dis­en­chant­ed with the PNM and UNC.

Pan­day’s pro­posed small par­ties should con­test elec­tions un­der a sin­gle ban­ner so they can change the Con­sti­tu­tion to al­low prop­er par­tic­i­pa­tion. Rep­re­sen­tatives from the COP, MSJ, Move­ment for Na­tion­al De­vel­op­ment, New Na­tion­al Vi­sion, DPTT and oth­ers said they’d spo­ken with Pan­day. Some are at­tend­ing a meet­ing with him on Wednes­day in Ch­agua­nas. But some for­mer UNC col­leagues aren’t con­vinced.