How simple breathing can help with stress

Breathing is one of the functions that we usually take for granted as the body does this automatically. Think about it, when you’re focusing on a task or trying to remember that key point in a test or even just sleeping, very rarely will you focus on your breathing. That is because breathing is run by a system called the autonomic nervous system.

This system also controls functions such as the heart beating and pumping blood around the body and the digestive system – tackling the breaking down of that dish you had for lunch. As the name suggests (auto), it handles tasks, which are automatic and for the most part go entirely unnoticed most of the time. 

Breathing is one of the ways that humans can actively help to soothe the body’s systems in moments of stress or anxiety. Practices like yoga, tai chi and meditation build resilience to stress by using the breath to persevere and be present with the breath, which calms the body and removes the focus from stress. This then translates into a better coping mechanism when life throws a curveball of stress your way.