Immigration Office commissioned in Linden

Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon (third from left) with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Karen Cummings (left) , Minister of Citizenship, Winston Felix (second from left) and Regional Chairman, Renis Morian at the opening of the office. (Ministry of the Presidency photo)

Director General, Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon on Thursday commissioned a $38M Immigration Office at Independence Avenue, MacKenzie, Linden.

A release from the Ministry of the Presidency reported Harmon as saying “We have committed ourselves to making life easier for citizens. We have committed ourselves to ensuring that Government services are taken to the people and ensuring that people don’t have to go looking and searching for Government services. We recognised very early that there are certain things which affect the lives of every Guyanese and there had to be a decentralisation in governance and public services. We have sought to decentralise services so that they are available where the people are. This passport office here is just one element in the decentralisation process. We have decentralised the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission and the Guyana Revenue Authority”.