The constantly changing pace of fashion

An AF Vandevorst design.

About a week ago, I learnt that AF Vandevorst was closing. It is a Belgian fashion brand based in Antwerp and the first company to ever offer me a fashion internship about eight years ago. My parents were not supportive of me doing it, so it was a missed opportunity. Belgium doesn’t strike most as a fashion capital mostly because it isn’t commercially driven, but in truth, Antwerp, Belgium is probably one of the few authentic fashion capitals left. It is home to the Antwerp Six: Dries van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, Dirk Van Saene, Walter Van Beirendonck, Dirk Bikkembergs and Marina Yee. They are known for their radical differing views on fashion in the 80s. The group had an eccentric take on fashion presentations when they rented a bus and set out for London Fashion Week in 1986 after graduating from the prestigious Royal Academy of Fine Arts.

Many fashion brands and retailers built on fashion integrity and driven by strong stories behind the clothes as opposed to blatant image labelling have chosen the path to close their brands. In a press release, founders An Vandevorst and Filip Arickx expressed: “We are humbled and honoured to be known for exploring new boundaries; for creating a strong DNA with collections in a universe of fetishes, sensual folds and poetic extravagance; for effortlessly blending elements inspired by uniforms with subversive femininity and tailoring.