A Dark Time

Thoughts about the end of the world have troubled my mind over the last couple of weeks. The end not by way of a nuclear bomb decimating the planet or the sky opening and the wicked sinking beneath the earth while the righteous rise, but the end of life as we know it. Restrictions on freedom of movement. Depopulation as disease spreads leading to a world of zombies. The air being so polluted resulting in people dropping dead. We have seen people drop dead in China in recent times, but maybe my imagination is too vivid. I do not enjoy entertaining such thoughts, but while in self-isolation for the most part, the fears and warnings about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have resulted in this.

When 2020 began, I would have never imagined that three months into the year this is where we would be. I used to think that if there were ever an apocalypse, it would not occur in my lifetime. During this self-isolation, I have read about and listened to conspiracy theories about plans to depopulate the world because seven billion is too many people on this planet, according to those who believe they have been given the mandate to control what happens in this world. Some question if the coronavirus will lead to something deadlier.