Makeup artist Christine Deobarran prefers to enhance, rather than transform

A once-aspiring nurse, Christine Deobarran found her niche in makeup artistry three years ago and knew it was meant to be. Since then, she has done the faces of many brides and models and is one of the go-to makeup artists for that ideal look.

“I’ve always had a passion about enhancing beauty and would always be complimented on my makeup. One day, I tried makeup on a friend. We were just playing around with makeup and many persons complimented my work. This inspired me to take up makeup artistry,” Christine said.

Though it was not until she finished school that she began dabbling, Christine’s fascination with makeup began a long time before. The second of two girls, growing up, she was always in awe of her mother wearing makeup. Then when she was a bit older, she would sneakily apply her mother’s makeup to her face whenever her mother was out of the house. This landed her in trouble whenever she was caught but never in enough ‘hot water’ to make her change her mind.