“A Baptism of Fire & Brimstone”: Guyana’s Infant Oil & Gas Sector


Last week’s column wrapped-up my evaluation of Guyana’s first Report on Petroleum Production and Revenues (RPPR).  However, three months after First Oil (December 20, 2019), Guyana’s infant oil and gas sector is being severely assaulted by global and internal convulsions. These have invoked the metaphor that titles this column: “A baptism of fire and brimstone for Guyana’s infant oil and gas sector.” Thus far, reporting on these phenomena in various print and social media has swung from thinly disguised “glee and delight” at the impending misfortunes confronting the infant sector, to “doom and gloom” based on concern that what is unfolding seems typical of the narrative of far too many failed “Petro states”!