Cream Soda and Milk: A Taste of Home

Cream Soda and Milk with Tennis Roll and Cheese (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Get a glass, a nice wide glass or a tall glass. Throw in a few ice cubes. Open a bottle of Banks DIH’s I-CEE’s Cream Soda and pour it into the glass, letting the drink cascade over the ice. Fill the glass with drink just shy of three-quarters. Now take your favourite brand of full cream evaporated milk (Nestle’s Carnation if you have) and pour some thick creamy milk into the glass. Watch admiringly, with a smile on your face, as the milk filters down into the glass and mixes with the drink. Take a spoon, a drink stirrer or your index finger if you like and swirl the ice that is now floating at the top of the glass to mix the soda and the milk. If you used your finger, suck it and then put the glass to your mouth, tilt your head back, close your eyes if you like, and take a long drink. Be warned, you might want to have it all in one go. If you had it all in one go, that is you finished the glass of drink, you might find yourself staring at the empty glass with a broad smile on your face, feeling happy in the moment. If you managed to control yourself and still have some drink in the glass, you might look at the glass, give it a shake and with a smile on your face, down the rest of it. Happy. It is such a wonderfully sweet taste of home, and for some of us, one that is filled with nostalgia.