Local charity providing virtual mental health care amid Covid-19

Petra Richmond

With COVID-19 wreaking havoc worldwide and many countries imposing mandatory lockdowns and encouraging self-isolation, mental health is increasingly becoming a problem. Cognizant of this, a local non-governmental organisation has expanded its service to provide mental care virtually for persons, not only Guyana but in other countries.

“Self-isolation, after a few days, can begin to feel like a prison with an indefinite sentence. It is possible to feel deeply and profoundly alone,” Petra Richmond, founder of Critical Response Guyana (CRGY) told Stabroek Weekend recently.

Richmond is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Applied Psychology in Health and Forensic Psychology at the University of Bedfordshire, England, and the CRGY has put together a number of professionals who will cater for the needs of person who may need psychosocial assistance.