Jamaican mom and newborn die two days apart

Tiana James

(Jamaica Star) Residents of Tivoli Gardens were left heartbroken after 25-year-old Tiana James, a well-known and respected community member, died tragically after giving birth on Saturday, April 18.

Residents and James’ family were again left gutted after the baby, named Azaria, died two days later.

James was a University of the West Indies graduate with a bachelor’s degree, and was pursuing a master’s in international, public and development management.

Tavia James, her sister, told THE WEEKEND STAR that Tiana was dependable and supportive.

“She’s the best friend anybody could ask for. She was a loving, family person; the best sister, the best aunt, best cousin. She was just this jovial, peaceful soul. She always had a smile on her face … she would always just cheer you up. I don’t think nobody has anything bad to say about her,” she said.

Tavia said her sister, who was the recipient of a European Union tertiary level scholarship, had big plans ahead – one of which was running for community councillor.

“She was doing her master’s and was working at a law firm. She always said she wanted to become the councillor of Tivoli Gardens. That was one of her dreams. She was all for community development … always helping kids education-wise. Football, netball, running; she did everything. She was just a phenomenal woman,” she said. But with baby Azaria’s death, the family now mourns the loss of two.


“Everybody lost a part of them. Tiana was basically a part of everybody, even her princess (Azaria) that we didn’t get a chance to meet. If you know Tiana, you know all her plans … she definitely nuh hide nothing from nobody. So during her pregnancy, everybody in a the family built a relationship with her baby. So the baby was also a great loss to us,” Tavia said, noting that the baby’s name was chosen because it means ‘help by God’.

Kevin Shirley, her cousin, has nothing but praises for Tiana. He described her as a treasure.

“She was the type of person that would walk into a dull room and light it up with her personality. She was a forgiving person. She was excellent … she hides her own emotions and put people first. Sometimes when she a go through some things, she hide it with a smile. A when we lose her now we know what we have lost. The family has lost a valuable member,” he said passionately.

He recalls a time when Tavia helped him to prepare for, and pass, CSEC mathematics and English.

“A summertime she group up all the young children and have class. I applied for a job and I needed maths and English. I could not have passed those exams without the help of my cousin. At times when I was going to give up, she believed in me. She didn’t give up on me,” he said.