Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable

Weird dreams, insomnia and anxiety are among the things we have become accustomed to experiencing since the beginning of this pandemic. By now, some of us have worked out a coping routine for when things get overwhelming, whether it being baking, exercising, or calling loved ones to feel a sense of comfort.

So far, I think I have managed relatively okay as most of my circumstances have remained the same, thankfully. This is due to the nature of my job. One of the things I keep telling my husband during this pandemic is that I am happy we don’t have kids. I am not sure I would be able to keep up mentally. We all know kids can be unsettled at times. It is in their nature.

This pandemic is one of those situations where you have lost all external control of your environment while grappling to control things at home. Any resistance could serve as a factor that furthers stresses the mental weight of it all.