Another 56 ballot boxes recounted by GECOM

A table showing the breakdown of the number of ballot boxes processed each day so far since the start of the recount process (GECOM table)

Day eight of the national recount process concluded yesterday with another 56 ballot boxes being processed – the highest number to be completed in a day since the process started – bringing the total number of boxes counted so far to 367 of the 2,339.

Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Yolanda Ward, during her final update to the media last evening said that of the 56 ballot boxes, 11 were from Region Two and 15 each were from Regions One, Three and Four.

Ward noted that the counting of ballot boxes in Region One is “almost to an end”. Region One has a total of 99 boxes. Six more boxes remain to be processed for this region.