Trinidad PM announces more easing of COVID -19 restrictions

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley

(Trinidad Guardian) Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley announced yesterday at a press conference that on June 8th all places of worship can reconvene. Persons attending will have to adhere to social distancing guidelines and wear masks. He also stated that services should be no longer than one hour.

The following is a list of changes announced by the Prime Minister:

From Monday 08, 2020:

• Hairdressers, barbers, spas and domestic workers will be allowed to resume operations.

• Public transportation will be allowed to operate at 75 per cent capacity.

From June 22:

• The public service rotation system will end and all employees will be asked to return to work on a full-time basis.

• All public transport will be allowed to operate at 100 per cent capacity.

• Access to beaches and rivers will resume.

• Bars, gyms, casinos, cinemas and in-house dining will be allowed to resume operations.

• Sporting activities will be allowed to resume without spectators.

• 10 persons allowed to congregate.

The Prime Minister also stated that a decision will be made in the coming week regarding the date of this year’s SEA exam. Minister of National Security Stuart Young who was also present announced that over the next seven days between 600 and 1000 persons are expected to return to T&T. He said that 300-400 T&T students from Barbados and Jamaica will return on June 13th. They will be quarantined at the UWI St Augustine Campus in Debe. Arrangements are also being made to quarantine hundreds of returning cruise ship employees on a Royal Carnival vessel which will dock in local waters. Public health officials will supervise the exercise.