Trinidad cops, soldiers to be charged with abuse of homeless man

A soldier hands a bottle of Puncheon to a homeless man while on patrol in Port-of-Spain earlier this year.

(Trinidad Guardian) Two police officers and two soldiers are expected to be charged for abusing a homeless man while on patrol in Port-of-Spain earlier this year.

In a video that went viral on social media, it showed the officers allegedly forcing the homeless man to consume alcohol and do exercises along George Street.

Speaking during the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service’s (TTPS) media briefing on Tuesday, acting DCP McDonald Jacob announced that charges will be brought against the officers involved.

He said a file was submitted and they got instructions from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and added that a list of the charges will be made public.

Jacob added that even before that even occurred, “both police officers were in fact charged for discreditable conduct after an internal investigation was done.”

The officer forced the street dwellers to drink Puncheon and White Oak.

When this video surfaced on social media, it sparked public outcry as many condemned the officers for allegedly abusing their authority.