BAMN? A likely PNC scenario? Please, no!

– Another long-lasting generational wedge?

As one with a little hands-on knowledge – (not “expertise?”) – of elections campaigns and the more propagandistic variety of public relations; as one who discerns the effectiveness of successful public mischief and misinformation, I’m still given to admiring the abilities of those survivalist political losers to deceive such a significant portion of their followers and believers. Pure devilish class!

By the above I simply mean that room could be spared to admire the professional expertise of the People’s National Congress (PNC) leaders, other activists, tribalists and loyalist–surrogates in successfully planting in the innocents’ minds, specific required messages about the outcome of the March elections. If those techniques and objectives were not so destructive, so evil!

Diaspora surrogates, local academics and “intellectuals”, opportunistic Young Turks and even a jaded Nagamootoo have manufactured “impasses and crises” and created dissension. Successfully. As I’ve recorded since early 2019, they demand victory by any means necessary! To hell with peace.