US official congratulates Ali

Michael G Kozak

Acting Assistant Secretary for the US Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Michael Kozak yesterday congratulated President Irfaan Ali on his swearing in.

In a tweet, Kozak said: “Democracy rules in Guyana! Today, Mohamed Irfaan Ali was sworn in as president, reflecting the will of the Guyanese people. We congratulate President Ali & look forward to working with all to support Guyana’s development for the benefit of all its people”.

The US had turned the screws in recent weeks on the Guyana Government and on persons undermining electoral democracy. It announced two waves of travel restrictions and signalled that even stiffer sanctions were in the making. Kozak has issued a stream of statements on the need to uphold electoral democracy and similar sentiments were expressed on several occasions by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.