Bath Settlement farmer sees link between COVID-19 and rising local interest in farming

Proud farmer: Dhaniram on his farm

Dhaniram Ramchand’s pursuits in the world of agriculture take him beyond simply cultivating and marketing food. Apart from the Bath Settlement resident’s farm on which he cultivates bell peppers, tomato, celery, cauliflower, and broccoli he also runs a Plant Nursery that offers seedlings for cash crops and a facility offering plant treatment services. Trading under the name Green To Life Farm, Dhaniram is regarded as a key figure in ensuring the state of health of agriculture in his community.

Over time, he has enjoyed an important collaborative relationship with the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), his farm having been used by the Institute in trials for the cultivation of broccoli and cauliflower. Dhaniram himself has touted these two vegetables as helpful to the building of the immune system and therefore an asset to the diet particularly at this time. 

If you travel along the Bath Settlement road it would   be hard to miss Dhaniram’s farm situated off the road, just next to his home. Over time, it has become a kind of ‘stop off’ station for persons with farming-relating inquiries or those interested in doing business with him.