COVID-19 emergency measures to be extended until month end – Anthony

COVID-19, Coronavirus, group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the virus causes respiratory infections. 3D illustration.

The current COVID-19 Emergency Measures will be updated and extended until August 31st, the Minister of Health Dr. Frank Anthony said today.

Anthony told Stabroek News today that there will be some slight modifications to the current measures but they will be extended until the government along with various stakeholders develop very clear guidelines that will allow the various sectors to understand the conditions under which they will be required to operate.

He added that the extension of the current measures will give the government and stakeholders needed time to review and put sectorial measures in place.

Guyana’s number of cases have steadily risen over the past month and up to Thursday the health Ministry said there were more than 400 cases, with concentrations in regions Seven and Nine.

The current measures came into effect on August 1st and were scheduled to expire tomorrow.

When the measures were updated at the end of last month, places of worship across the country were permitted to reopen for religious services and gatherings, including the conduct of funerals and weddings.

However, gatherings have been restricted to 25% of the building capacity.

Additionally, five more Region Seven communities – Eteringbang, Makapa, Kurushi, Arau and Oko – were placed under lockdown as part of efforts to contain COVID-19 in the region’s mining areas, which have seen spikes in cases. Mining was also halted in these areas.