Makeup artist expands beauty product line

Janica Sandy

Makeup artist Janica Sandy has launched a line of products which are weekly being supplied to all three counties and is seeing increases in the products ordered by her customers as well as an increase in customers.

Janica’s beauty line, ‘Ul Image’ is an organic line of wellness and natural products. Among the products offered are her turmeric line which includes three different turmeric soaps, and Turmeric Even Tone for nighttime skincare. Her luxury body butter is a glow butter with shea butter as the main ingredient and then there is Oh So Body Butter (original and lavender scented). The line also has a charcoal and bentonite clay face mask and face Soap, Meringue Powder and Meringue Soap (the soap is used for anti-aging while the powder is used to make a tea), a lip scrub and lip balm. The Ul Image best seller is a turmeric set called Intimate Set, which is a polish designed for the underarms and other intimate areas of the body. 

This weekend, she is adding a reed diffuser, with a customised blend of essential oils to be used in aromatherapy for stress relief and to create different moods.