UNICEF donates equipment for remote hearing of juvenile cases

In an effort to ensure justice for juveniles in detention while preventing the spread of COVID-19 UNICEF has donated to the Ministry of Home Affairs Skype recording units and other equipment to be installed at the Sophia Juvenile Holding Centre, New Amsterdam Prison, Camp Street and Lusignan Prisons to allow the remote hearing of cases and connections with the courts, including the Children’s Court, and other facilities deemed necessary for the promotion of telehealth to persons in detention.

This is according to a press release from the Ministry which said that in addition to the savings from travel and other related costs, the equipment will have the double-benefit of ensuring access to justice, while maintaining physical distancing during COVID-19.

According to the release, for women in detention at New Amsterdam, the Ministry and UNICEF have recommitted efforts to assessing policies surrounding early childhood development and breastfeeding for lactating mothers who may be in prison.