Health Ministry to approach Brazil to process COVID-19 samples

Bryan Allicock

Due to the local delays in processing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) samples, the Ministry of Health will be approaching the Brazilian government to discuss whether laboratories in the neighbouring country can undertake testing, Region Nine Chair-man Bryan Allicock has revealed.

This was confirmed by Ministry spokesman Daniel Singh, who told Stabroek News that Health Minister Dr. Frank Anthony is engaging his counterpart in Brazil regarding the matter and the decision to do so is to obtain results at a faster rate. He explained that due to the close proximity of the region to Brazil, laboratories there would be a better option than sending the samples to Georgetown and then to Trinidad for testing. He added that an update in this regard should be provided by the end of the week.

Allicock disclosed that over the past weekend he participated in virtual meetings with the Brazil-ian government and with residents having to wait for weeks before they receive their COVID-19 tests results, he said he decided to ask them how much it would cost to have samples analyzed in laboratories in Brazil and if it would be possible to send samples from the region for processing.